Hi Matt,

The general workflow for "proper" orthorectification (as used by the 
professionals) is:

1. Measure some ground control points (GCPs) in the images. These 
associate an image point with a 3D world position (lat, lon, height). If 
a full bundle adjustment is used, this is not needed for every images as 
tie points (called control points in hugin) can also be used. These are 
usually measured against maps, orthoimages, gps traces. The height is 
often derived from the SRTM dataset, or from high precision GPS 
measurements with post processing at specific corner (centre of 
roundabouts etc.).

2. With the GCPs and tie points, the position and orientation of each 
photo is estimated using bundle adjustment. This works a bit similar to 
what hugin/panotools does, but it solves for full 3D geometry.

3. Orthorectification is preformed using the estimated positions and 
orientations and a digital terrain model. If there is a lot of overlap 
in the photos, the terrain model can also be computed from the photos 
itself (This is actually what I currently do in my day job).

All data that is required for this is freely available. You can use well 
traces streets in OSM for establishing the ground control points in step 
1). The SRTM model required for orthorectification is available in the 
public domain (at least for areas south of 60° northern latitude).

The main problem is that there is no complete open source software 
package for this job. All the components are available in various 
software packages, but they are not integrated:

- Tie points can be created in hugin or with other matching software. 
With a bit of scripting, GCPs can be derived from tie points measured 
against OSM maps (its just coordinate transformation and lookup in the 
elevation model).

- A complete package that takes care of most steps required for 1) and 
2) is bundler, http://phototour.cs.washington.edu/bundler/ however, this 
is not designed to handle ground control points, so it won't give you 
absolute coordinates. It uses a customized version of SBA 
http://www.ics.forth.gr/~lourakis/sba/ for the bundle adjustment. SBA 
recently been extended so that it supports both tie points and ground 
control points.

- Orthorectification can be done using open source remote sensing 
software packages such as http://www.ossim.org or 
http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org. However, these packages are mostly 
designed for handling commercial satellite and aerial imagery, and I'm 
not sure if the support a simple camera model.

Then there is e-foto, which I have just downloaded as tried, but I 
didn't manage to do something useful with it.

So the correct way to produce nice orthophotos as shown by the map 
providers is not that simple using open source software, and needs quite 
some gluing together of several packages.

Hugin is currently not really suited for aligning all your images. 
However, the latest work in panotools (as mentioned in the reply by 
Lukas) might help if your area is reasonably flat.

The new parameters Tx, Ty and Ts parameters in panotools should allow 
you to "orthorectify" your images to a plane. As these are are very new, 
they are not supported in hugin yet. This means that you need to use the 
  panotools script interface from the command line directly. Maybe the 
following procedure might work (disclamer: I haven't tried anything of 
that myself!):

0. Get and compile the current trunk of libpano13

1. Load a few overlapping images captured from different viewpoints 
(maybe start with 3 or so) into hugin, and create a few good control 
points between them (make sure that they are good, to avoid confusion 
due to mismatched control points later on). Try to load a very well 
downwards looking image as first image. This image will define the plane 
to which the other images are warped later on.

Do not optimize yet. Make sure that the field of view of the images is 
reasonably correct. (Computation from EXIF data is probably good for the 
first try).

2. Set the projection to rectilinear, and choose a wide HFOV and VFOV, 
such as 90 degrees or so. Press the "compute optimum size" button.

3. Export everything as panotools compatible project. The 100% 
bulletproof way is to go to the optimisation tab, tick the "edit script 
before optimisation" (or similar) checkbox, press Optimize and select 
the text of the checkbox and save it into a textfile named optimize.txt

4. Now you need to select which variables to optimize, using by adding 
them to the v line in optimize.txt. I would try optimizing roll, pitch, 
yaw and Tx, Ty, Ts for all but the first image. Run
$ PToptimizer optimize.txt
to perform the optimisation. Check the file to see some information 
about the errors. Here some trial and error with different parameter 
sets is probably needed.

5. Test remapping the images with PTmender:
$ PTmendler optimize.txt

6. Combine the without any blending using PTroller
$ PTroller -o output.tif remapped1.tif remapped2.tif remapped3.tif

This will make the seams more visible.

If that works very well, one could maybe replace the first image with a 
larger OSM image and use that to define the plane to which the images 
should be projected. Control points between the photos and the OSM map 
could then be used for pinning the photos to the map (as mentioned, this 
will only work well for flat regions!)
This might work up to a certain size, and probably best for regions near 
the equator if the default spherical mercator image is used.
It is probably better to use an OSM map that has been projected to your 
local UTM Zone, as it has less distortions.


Matt Williams wrote:
> Hi guys, I've only recently discovered Hugin so I'm still getting used
> to it so bear in mind that there's probably still plenty I'm missing.
> The method I've been using so far (and I've only done a few small
> tests with it, nothing large scale) is based on 
> http://www.dojoe.net/tutorials/linear-pano/
> and is to select a few (that's only 2 or 3 so far) overlapping images
> which are very nearly vertical, add them to Hugin and deselect the
> 'Image Center Shift' link for the lens. I've autopano-sift'd them to
> add control points. Then, I've added a png of a map image (from
> openstreetmap) as the first image, set a different lens number for it
> (made up a DoV of about 10 degrees) and set it as the position anchor.
> Then I've manually added control points (by hand) between each of the
> images and the map in order to try to coerce Hugin to align the images
> to the map.
> I then enblend the remapped images together (excluding the map png)
> and upload it to http://warper.geothings.net/ which is our map warper
> for aligning it to the map. This allows me to slightly tweak the
> rectification to make it match the map more closely. This mostly works
> for small image clusters but I am ofter getting divergence from the
> map at the edge of the image.
> What I would like to ask is whether anyone has any experience with
> this sort of work and has some suggestions about the best way to do it
> or if Hugin/Panorama Tools really isn't suitable for the job. I've
> looked through a paper published on this topic at
> http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~pesti/pubs/mapstitcher.pdf and it seems to
> suggest the best results are achieved when doing the stitching and
> ortho-rectification (and map alignment) at the same time to avoid
> cumulative errors (as seen at 
> http://warper.geothings.net/uploads/1315/original/test3.jpg,
> that main road should be almost straight).
> Thoughts/suggestions/revelations?
> Regards,
> Matt Williams
> http://milliams.com
> > 

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