Matt Williams wrote:
> 2009/9/22 Pablo d'Angelo <>:
>> Hi Matt,
>>> This is the method I had been using before, but obviously without the
>>> Tilt parameters and so it really struggled.
>> Actually, I played around a little, and I wasn't satisfied with the tilt
>> parameters, so changed libpano to allow estimate the X,Y and Z camera
>> position (assuming a planar earth). I still need to do some final
>> testing, but so far it doesn't look too bad.
> I see you've checked some of these changes into SVN, I've uncommented
> the '#define MOSAIC_XYZ 1' line in adjust.c. Is there anything I need
> to do elsewhere to allow it estimate these variables?

No. With these you could just try to optimize y,p,r,Tx,Ty,Tz for all 
images except the first one.


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