Yuval Levy schrieb:
> Hallo Joachim,
> J. Schneider wrote:
>> it would be a nice idea to try building hugin myself.
> good idea! I'll be happy to mentor you. would it be OK for you, in 
> exchange for the mentoring, to use your experience and improve the Wiki 
> instructions?
I'd be glad to help there.

> I assume you're on 
> <http://wiki.panotools.org/Build_Hugin_for_Windows_with_SDK> 

> If it is OK for you, I suggest we do this mentoring session "live" on 
> this mailing list, so others can profit too. 
That's fine for me.

>> I created the directory D:\huginbase\enblend
>> Cloned the repository, result D:\huginbase\enblend\enblend.
> this means that you installed all the tools, as well as Guido's SDK?
I did. Just not wxWidgets that you mention later. Should this also be in 
the list of tools to install?
I downloaded it and installed it to C:\Programme\wxWidgets-2.8.10.

>> Now I opened enblend_msvc2003.sln.
> what version of Visual Studio do you have? the file to open is open 
> huginbase/enblend/enblend_msvc2008.sln
I have "Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition". I just didn't look closely 
enough. Now I took ...2008.sln. (But that doesn't change the result.) 
Strangely it cannot be opened by double clicking, but when dragged onto 
the MSVC window it works.

> the repository is currently in a broken state - a recent change breaks 
> the MSVC (and the new CMake) build. Only autotools works.
I don't know what autotools is, but I follow your steps to revert back 
to the unbroken stage.
> the workaround is to step a little bit back in time,  > ...

> This will bring your enblend tree back in time. Now you can 
> continue with the build.
Done. "Update to revision" is the command in my TortoiseHG installation. 
And 523 the rev. no.

>> Changed the target configuration to 'release'.
> There should be multiple configurations. ...
 > If you have a good GPU, you may try to build the
> version with GPU. And if you often run out of disk space, build the 
> version without ImageCache. Also if your CPU supports SSE2, build the 
> version with SSE2. For example you can build "Release SSE2,GPU".
The GPU option doesn't work with my Intel 945 Chipset but I needn't use 
it and I guess my Core2Duo T5500 (1.66GHz) supports SSE2, so "Release 
SSE2,GPU" is what I chose.

> *but* before doing this, you need to complete the SDK. The current SDK 
> lacks some of the dependencies to build enblend.
OK, this should be included in the wiki unless it is not fixed in the SDK.
> IIRC it is lcms that is missing (or outdated; 1.17 in the SDK and 1.18 
> referred to from the MSVC project files).
Looks like missing. In D:\huginbase\enblend I don't find any lcms*.* file.

> * download the source from http://www.littlecms.com/lcms-1.18a.zip
> * unpack inside the SDK folder
So I have D:\huginbase\enblend containing enblend\ ...
No, I think first I throw all that stuff from 
D:\huginbase\enblend\enblend\*.* one level up and resync it to be sure.
OK, now I have D:\huginbase\enblend\ with the enblend repository .hg in 
it and
D:\huginbase\lcms-1.18\. Probably I should move it inside ...\enblend.
-> D:\huginbase\enblend\lcms-1.18\.

> * inside lcms-1.18 there is a Projects folder. Select the MSVC2008 
> project. Start it.
> * in the configuration manager, select to build lcms only. You do not 
> need the other tools (that will raise an error because they don't find 
> some dependencies)
This results in 
D:\huginbase\enblend\lcms-1.18\Projects\VC2008\LibRelease\*obj and 
and a log with 0 errors and 41 warnings like
..\..\src\cmsio1.c(964) : warning C4063: case "-1804014080" ist kein 
gültiger Wert für den Schalter der Enumeration "icTagTypeSignature".
         d:\huginbase\lcms-1.18\include\icc34.h(352): Siehe Deklaration 
von 'icTagTypeSignature'

> once you built lcms, continue with building enblend.
Do I understand correctly that MSVC should realize wxWidgets is 
installed and use the TIFF/JPEG/PNG libraries from there?
Obviously not. MSVC still complains. If I understood the output

Die temporäre Datei "d:\huginbase\enblend\src\vigra_impex\Release (GPU, 
SSE2)\RSP00000160562384.rsp" wird erstellt. Inhalt:
/Ox /Ob2 /Oi /Ot /GL /I "..\..\..\STLport-trunk\stlport" /I "..\include" 
/I "..\..\include" /I "..\..\..\tiff-3.8.2\libtiff" /I 
"..\..\..\wxWidgets-2.8.10\src\jpeg" /I 
"..\..\..\wxWidgets-2.8.10\src\png" /I 
"..\..\..\wxWidgets-2.8.10\src\zlib" /I "..\..\..\boost_1_39_0" /I 
"..\..\..\lcms-1.17\include" /I "..\..\..\libxmi-1.2" /I "." /I 
"..\..\..\Deploy\include" /D "VIGRA_STATIC_LIB" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" 
/D "_LIB" /D "HasTIFF" /D "HasJPEG" /D "HasPNG" /D "HasEXR" /D "_WIN32" 
/EHsc /MT /GS- /arch:SSE2 /Fo"Release (GPU, SSE2)\\" /Fd"Release (GPU, 
SSE2)\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Wp64 /Zi /TP /wd4251 .\tiff.cxx

correctly I would probably be able to move my dirctoy wxWidgets-2.8.10 
(now in C:\Programme\wxWidgets-2.8.10) in the right place.
"..\..\..\wxW..." is counting from where?
Tried moving it to D:\wxWidgets-2.8.10 and to 
but this is not where it should be either.

Some search led me to
http://www.wxwidgets.org/docs/tutorials.htm where there is a link to
"Intellisense and wxWidgets - How to get MS Visual Studio Intellisense 
working with wxWidgets" which might be what I need. ->
But I don't really understand what I would have to do.

>> I suppose I should get
>> D:\huginbase\enblend\enblend\INSTALLDIR but I get nothing.
> IIRC it will be in "D:\huginbase\enblend\enblend\src\Release SSE2 GPU"
Yes, "D:\huginbase\enblend\src\Release (GPU, SSE2)" is the directory. So 
the one where the build log is put is also where the result should be.
vc90.idb, vc90.pdb, filenameparse.obj is what I got apart from the log.

But you see you are dealing with a severe case of ignorance. Once you 
mastered bringing me to a working hugin build and we put that into the 
wiki more or less everybody should manage.

> Yuv

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