On Sun 27-Sep-2009 at 12:53 -0700, Mahmood H wrote:
>One is the use of smartblend instead of enblend. When I  I tick the
>option "Use alternative Enblend program" and choose smartblend.exe to
>be used, the warped images are not blended at all. In cases I prefer
>smartblend, I open enblend GUI program and use smartblend that way to
>get the images blended.

Sorry, maybe someone else can help as I've never used smartblend in 

>Another thing is the auto generation of CPs. I've never succeeded to
>get hugin do that for me, I either select all point manually or run
>autopano.sift separately, the use its output in hugin, and add some
>more point in upper and lower parts of the images and remove the CPs
>from moving objects.

Assuming that you are using Windows, I understand that the current 
default of autopano-sift-C more-or-less works.  What version of 
Hugin are you using and where did you get it?


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