that's unacceptable! you've misused images without a license. this is
like taking a bus ride without paying a ticket; just say sorry or made
them private is not enough. You have no rights to use them unless given
explicit permission by the copyright holder. You can find images that
you can use by searching flickr for equirectangulars that are licensed
under Creative Common licenses. And even there, you must abide by the
licensing terms, i.e. if they say no commercial use or no derivative,
respect it.

you wouldn't like it that people steal your software, would you? or take
your car for a ride?

owner of the images should send a DMCA notice to your host at and get you down.


Leo wrote:
> Thanks for pointing out. These panorama are for test purpose. I made
> them as private.
> On 9月30日, 上午12时51分, Seb Perez-D <> wrote:
>> And just the same
>> panorama as 
>> here:
>> Of course the quality of the initial image is much better.
>> I will stop now.
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 08:48, Seb Perez-D <> wrote:
>>> Also, it seems that some of the images posted by wzqhzsc (which I
>>> assume is you, since this nickname has posted the same message as you
>>> on other forums) are not his.
>>> copyright by Guillaume Dargaud
>>> is (c) Red Door VR Limited ( as
>>> can be seen in the image
>>> Reasons enough not to comment on the quality of the website itself.
>>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 08:38, Seb Perez-D <> wrote:
>>>> If you are trying to self-promote that website, at least be upfront about 
>>>> it.
>>>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 08:22, Leo <> wrote:
>>>>> It said: Free Flash Panorama Hosting like YouTube, Sharing panorama at
>>>>> You3DView is as easy as sharing video at YouTube.
>>>>> Any comments? Good or not?
> > 

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