Hi Oskar,

> For these two mosaics I did this by forcing only XYZ optimization first, 
> then adding angles in the next run. That converged nicely, and exposed a 
> few CP that were completely off. Other things i can think of are:
> * Observed initial values - Some UW mosaics uses ROV that captures XYZ 
> position and ypr of the mission. These are then used as starting values 
> in the optimization
> * Determine lens distortion parameters before, and use as starting value.
> * An iterative optimization strategy much like the one used for 
> panoramas where XYZ is iteratively optimized around anchor, then ypr

I'm currently working on that...

> BTW, What are the units of XYZ?

The Plane is currently located at z=-1 (straight in front of the 
camera). If you keep one camera at TrZ=0, then TrX,TrY and TrZ need to 
be multiplied by the physical distance between the camera position of 
that image and the plane.


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