Bob wrote:
> Hi all,
> I compiled libpano and got the executable files.
> So I tried to run the PTmender.exe on tests\simpleStitch to see the
> result,
> Here is the command line I used:
>    libpano\pano13\tests\simpleStitch>PTmender.exe simple.txt
That is correct.
PTmender [options] <script filename>

        -o <prefix>     Prefix for output filename, defaults to pano
        -q              Quiet run
        -h              Show this mes

> And I got these errors
>     Feathering is ignored.  Use PTmasker
>     Feathering is ignored.  Use PTmasker
>     Feathering is ignored.  Use PTmasker
>     No support for this output image format(JPEG).Output will be TIFF_m
>     Could not create Window
>     Feathering is ignored.  Use PTmasker
>     Could not create Window
>     Could not create Window
> What is the correct command line to run the PTmender.exe on
> simpleStitch?
There are features included in the test script file that PTmender does 
not support.
PTmender does not do feathering.  This is the u10 option on the o lines.
PTmender only supports outputing as tiff.  This should work. n"TIFF_m 
I do not know why you are getting the "Could not create Window" 
message.  But it comes from trying to create a window.  Possibly a 
progress window.

The current way of building the tools are as command line tools not 
Graphic Windows. 

I use the following predefines to build the command line tools

and for the Graphic tools
I have not successfully built the tools in this form for a while.  This 
might be what you are attempting.

Jim Watters

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