2009/10/6 grow <george...@gmail.com>:
> Harry mentioned to me in an email that someone else was having a
> problem with this Beta on a configuration like mine. So here is a
> comment on my experience so far.
> My configuration is:
>  a Powermac G5 - dual 1.8Ghz with 5.5Gb RAM running Mac OS X
> 10.4.11.
> I have more RAM  (which would give me another 1.5Gb) and Mac OS X 10.5
> waiting to be installed "some day when I am not busy"!  (I'll let you
> know if that day ever arrives.)
> So far this Beta 1 has worked OK for me.
> The "Clean-up-Control Points" feature seems very powerful.  ...
> However,  I have not yet done a project from scratch with it.
> I re-opened the project for the panorama that I stitched for the
> latest World Wide Panorama project:
>    http://worldwidepanorama.org/wwp_rss/go/n5752
> and added more control points and filtered out the bad ones and ran a
> stitch at 10,000x 5,000 - it worked fine.
> It was my usual workflow with 16mm fisheye images shot every 60°
> horizontally + sky+ground ... but because of all the moving people I
> took 7 horizontal shots and two floor shots and a ceiling shot.
> Each "shot" was 3x bracketed-exposure, so that means (despite what it
> says on the wwp page) there were 30 separate images.
> I stitched it both ways - both fused-and-blended as well as blended-
> and-fused. The final panorama was created in Photoshop as a
> multi-layer mash-up with both of the full stitches with many of the
> individual performers patched in from other intermediate images.
> It could have been better - for example the halo around the dancer
> with the white trousers ...  and if I am to print it - I will need a
> better
> version.
> So last night  I added masks to a couple of the shots - that is (2x3=)
> 6 images out of the 30 and did a bit more tweaking of control points.
> I left the stitch running overnight - it  worked fine and has given me
> both fused results and the masking will save me some of the Photoshop
> editing.
> Is it possible that this version is better at handling masks?
> I didn't see any reference to either how Hugin sets up masks nor how
> Enfuse/Enblend handle them.
> But ... when I originally stitched this panorama with the previous
> version I ended up deleting all the masks as it just kept crashing ...
> having said that ...  the masks I have re-introduced are fairly
> simple.
> Today I will be stitching a simple (unbracketed) panorama next.  Just
> 9 images however as it was shot next to a river with lots of people
> moving around it
> will probably require a few masks also!  I will come back and let you
> know how it goes.
> (Sorry if this has drifted back onto my apparent obsession with Alpha
> Channel Masks.
>  I feel like I am only ever here pointing out problems - but I
> wouldn't be here at all if I didn't think that the work that you guys
> do on Hugin was wonderful!)
> all the best
> George

Hi George,

Thanks a lot for your "testing report". I'm glad it works fine for you.


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