Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Thursday 08 October 2009 schrieb Yuval Levy:
>> Kornel Benko wrote:
>>> Why not use  FindGettext.cmake?
>> because to my understanding FindGettext.cmake finds the tools, not the 
>> library, and this is why FindGettextLibs.cmake does - at least on Linux 
>> and BSD.
> I must have missed something. I did this for the lyx-project. No problems at 
> all
> with libraries.

maybe it is because the gettext libraries are used by so many packages 
that you already have them on all machines you tested with?

when I first changed the code, I did not even bother with CMake. I 
simply assumed that gettext was already used/found with wxWindows. THen 
on Windows, despite gettext in the SDK, I had an error. So I added 
FindGettext.cmake and looked what it generates. Still did not help 
Windows. So I googled further and found FindGettextLibs.cmake. I 
replicated the values that it created in Ubuntu to the Windows 
equivalent and bingo, it worked. The ultimate test would be to try it on 
a machine without gettext.


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