Am Sonntag 18 Oktober 2009 schrieb Tom Sharpless:
> Hi Jim,
> Are you saying that some source line that calls htons() should be
> rewritten to call something declared in filter.h instead?  That sounds
> right -- it seems stupid to make a program that does not use network I/
> O depend on a sockets library.

This is, what he was saying.

Instead of calling
        x = htons(y)
we should use
        short * px = &x;
        SHORTNUMBER(y, px);

or better define own function

short our_htons(short y)
        short x;
        short * px = &x;
        SHORTNUMBER(y, px);

The only file which uses htons is ColourBrightness.c, not much work.


> But what source file has this silly call in it?  If it is a standard
> package of some kind, then creating a local version could create more
> problems than it solves.  If it is something that is already local to
> libpano, then by all means rewrite it.
> -- Tom
> On Oct 17, 11:00 am, Jim Watters <> wrote:
> > Kornel Benko wrote:
> > > Am Samstag 17 Oktober 2009 schrieb allard:
> > >> OK, I got the lib and found a way to manually tell MSVC to include it
> > >> in the PTBlender project by setting it in the properties of the
> > >> project.
> > >> Build successful! But it would be nice if I knew where to change this
> > >> properly.
> > >
> > > This lib should be added to ${_common_libs}
> > > CMakeLists.txt:68
> > >
> > >    set(_common_libs ${TIFF_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}
> > >      find_library(WXSOCK32 wsock32)
> > >      if(NOT ${WXSOCK32} MATCHES "-NOTFOUND")
> > >        list(APPEND _common_libs ${WXSOCK32})
> > >      endif()
> > >    endif(WIN32)
> > >
> > > ...
> > >  > Allard
> > >
> > >    Kornel
> >
> > Panotools already has ENDIAN aware file i/o functions in filter.h
> > These should have been used instead of using another package for this
> > one function.
> >
> > --
> > Jim Watters
Kornel Benko

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