Hi all,

I have not yet implemented Lukas' suggestion (background thread) - I am 
reading about background threads in wxWidgets.

I did however spend more time with the feature, and I find it helpful 
with my typical settings.

No need for this on my dual core workstation, but on my 1.6GHz Pentium M 
notebook with 2GB RAM and 5400 RPM HDD it gives me a better response, 
especially when the input images are TIFFs.

So I added a preference checkbox (deactivated by default) and put the 
updated patch in the patch tracker [0].

With the preference checkbox it is sure that it does not affect 
negatively anybody. And if others have similar hardware as I do, they 
may find it equally convenient. I'd like to know how it performs on a 
netbook. I have an Atom based desktop but it is not functional at the 

I don't know yet how much work it will be to implement the background 
thread (I don't know if the current ImageCache is thread safe, and if it 
is not I don't know how much effort it will be to make it thread safe). 
Once I'll have an idea, I will report back here.

If it's too much effort at my current skill level I will consider 
putting forward a request to integrate this in trunk as-is. If not, I 
will come back with an improved patch that does the caching in the 
background, sooner or later.



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