Thanks guys, 100% is what I will use.  
Still, I  suggest that Hugin put the % sign next to the input box, also a 
drop-down menu (from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) in increments of 10) would be nice 

On Dec 17, 2009, at 2:50 AM, wrote:
> Harry van der Wolf <> Dec 16 04:39PM +0100
> 2009/12/16 Ron Decline <>
> >
> >
> This is a very long running issue and it is not a hugin bug but a wxwindows
> (aka wxwidgets aka wxmac) bug. Wxwindows is the toolkit to build the Hugin
> graphical user interface. You can select manually any number between 0 and
> 100 (percent). Note though that you need to click one of the other numerical
> fields in the stitcher screen and click again in the quality box before
> pressiing "stitch now".
> I almost always leave it at 100%. After stitiching you mostly need to do
> some finetuning in the cropping of the image w.r.t. black edges. Then you
> can safe it in any quality you like.
> You can do this in the fast preview as well, but not as accurate as the
> preview is so much smaller compared when doing it on the final full size
> image.
> Harry
> "bruno.postle" <> Dec 16 07:51AM -0800
> > What is the jpeg quality range (in the Sticher Tab)?
> The range is the same as any other libjpeg based tool: 0 - 100. 0
> being unusably bad and 100 best quality.
> Most images you will find in web-pages are about 60 - 80 quality, a
> camera set to 'high quality JPEG' saves images equivalent to about 95.
> Note that 100 still isn't lossless, if you intend to do further
> editing, it is best to stitch to TIFF or PNG and convert to JPEG
> afterwards.
> --
> Bruno

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