allard wrote:
> > It is identified as Pre-release 2009.5.0.4740
> That's a known problem, but it's not applicable here. I admit I built
> this from SVN, not from the tarball. Nevertheless, if you build from
> the tarball I believe it still doesn't tell you it's a release. The
> SVN nr should be 4742 though...

Next time, please do your homework before calling things what they are

You need to understand that "building from SVN" is not synonymous for
"building trunk".

SVN is like a hard disk. It can have (and in this case has) many
folders. One of them is called trunk [0], and this is where the latest
development takes place. In the case 2009.4, the folder to build from
is [1]. Each release cycle starts with copying trunk to a new folder,
and as time passes by the difference between the two folders increases
as trunk move forward on features and the release folder moves forward
on clean/polish.

The revision number only identifies the moment in the sequence of
changes when a folder was used; not which folder was used.

In the case of 2009.4/4742 vs. trunk/4742 you were lucky that the
differences were not too radical. If you were to take the same
shortcut now, the differences between 2010.0/HEAD and trunk/HEAD are
major. You would only generate confusion.

If you want to build release candidates of 2010.0 the right way, point
your SVN client to [2]. There are additional things to consider. Read
carefully the mailing list to keep up to date with what the developers
are doing. Read the SVN logs. Know your way around. If you don't have
time, don't cut short this important due diligence. Delegate it. Ask
others. But don't skip it.

In a controlled environment (e.g. corporate world) your mistake would
be serious enough to put somebody under stricter supervision or even
remove them from the job. Here I can only appeal to your sense of
responsibility. Next time make sure you understand what you are doing
and the consequences it has on the project, the community and last but
not least on yourself (my understanding is that you are currently
subject to US jurisdiction?).



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