On 02/01/10 18:45, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Samstag 02 Januar 2010 schrieb paolobenve:
>> I'm using ubuntu 9.10, and after compiling and installing hugin
>> according to http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_Compiling_Ubuntu, when I
>> try executing it I get:
>> $ hugin
>> hugin: error while loading shared libraries: libhuginbase.so.0.0:
>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>> $ which hugin
>> /usr/local/bin/hugin
>> The deb package installs everything in /usr/local, and libhuginbase.so.
>> 0.0 is in /usr/local/lib/. But why doesn't hugin see it?
>> What error did I make?
> Same error, as have many before. Forgotten to call "ldconfig". This happens, 
> if you install directly (not from package), sigh.
>       Kornel

May we praise you for your patience and beg you not to lose 

It's a great help to us newbies  - we want to take advantage 
of the advances in hugin, but often have to struggle with 
installation procedures that aren't familiar yet.



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