2010/1/6 Bob Yiu <boo...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,all

Hi Bob,
sorry for late reply, but I didn't have time and later I forgot about
it. Anyway, here's my reply how I understand it…

> As we known,for the images taken different instance,moving objects in the
> images would be in different position,
> How does Hugin(enblend) and Panotools address this problem when blending the
> images?
> Cheers!
> Bob

Panotools are (almost) only about transforming images and does nothing
to address this problem.

Enblend uses nearest feature transform to place initial seam line
(line where one image blends to another). Then it uses difference to
"detect" objects and moves the seam line (this movement is done only
in X axis I think) to avoid any intersections with the object. Some
informations about it are on enblend website [1]. There is also record
[2] of Andrew's talk about enblend and enfuse on LGM 2009 which
contains many interesting informations (you should really see that).

Talking about enfuse there is no support to avoid artifacts caused by
moving objects directly in enfuse (because direct integration of the
algorithm used in aforementioned tools didn't lead to acceptable
results). There is deghosting_mask tool which tries to create B/W
images where moving objects should be black. These images can be used
with enfuse-mask to remove objects using enfuse. For HDR output you
can use merge mode "Deghosting (Khan)" (it can be selected in Stitcher
tab, HDR merger options). Both uses the same algorithm which tries to
determine whether pixel belongs to static part of image or not. The
problem is that it's utterly slow and the quality of result is highly
dependent on input images.

[1] http://enblend.sourceforge.net/details.htm
[2] http://river-valley.tv/enblendenfuse-technology-talk/

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