On Jan 18, 11:37 am, Brian Innes <brianinne...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> namklim wrote:
> > There is already a spreadsheet-based spherical panorama calculator
> > which works with later versions of Excel and with OpenOffice). It is
> > in French but I don't think you will have any difficulty understanding
> > how to use it. You can find it at
> >http://photos.yves.over-blog.com/article-panorama-par-assemblage-pano...
> > Just click on T l charger le fichier
> Just to say thats a very useful spreadsheet. There is an English version
> of the spreadsheet
> as a seperate page in the spreadsheet.  Very helpful in that it also
> works out how many pictures you'd need for HDR bracketing too.
> Cheers
> Brian.

I'd not noticed the English translation as it wasn't there in the
version I downloaded in December.
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