Hi mac users,

Another 32bit Universal bundle. This bundle contains a lot of bugfixes and
enhancements by Thomas and James to the mask editor, compared to the bundle
4984 which I published little over a week ago.

In this bundle ("Changelog"):
* bugfixes and enhancements to the mask editor.

* update of the CPDetector defaults. If you go into the CPDetector config in
Preferences and you choose "load defaults", you will see "Pablo's patent
free panomatic" and 2 align_image_stack versions, which are inside the
bundle. Next to that you will find entries for panomatic and
autopano-sift-c. The last 2 are configured but NOT bundled with this bundle.
You can download them separately from my site. If you already did so and
installed them, you only have to use the "Choose/Kies/Auswählen/Choisir/
etc." button to (automatically) reselect the path and re-enable them.
This also means that Pablo's patent free panomatic is now the default for
the OSX hugin bundle. It functions fine for non-fisheye panos and not so
good for fisheye panos (like the original panomatic and to some extend
autopano-sift-c as well).

* And as before: all the tools are bundled with it. See the Readme.txt in
the "Hugin Tools" directory.

As always: Information and binaries via my website

(The binaries themselves are served from hugin.panotools.org who kindly
provide the disk space and bandwidth).


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