On Apr 23, 8:30 am, Zac <zacpo...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> With regard to your workflow - How are you generating your 16bit TIFs?
> and how come your working that way, ie not importing HDR images into
> hugin just out of interest?

i am generating 16 bit tifs from ufraw.  they are twice as big as 8
bit and therefore much slower, hence the prep work on 8 bit tifs to
get everything lined up and 'happy.'

in the past, i have fused each bracketed stack prior to importing to
hugin.  this has worked and saves some time in hugin, however i wasn't
always happy with the results.  i saw the new stack # setting for
images in hugin and wanted to give it a try and so far it has made
working with these image sets very easy.  i also like to take a look
at different workflows/techniques to learn what/if i am missing.  on
paper, it looks a lot easier to me to work with 3 (or more) completed
panos at various exposures to create an hdr as opposed to setting up 8
(or more) stacks or 3 (or more) photos.  with the new tools (stack #
and masking) coming in hugin it looks like this could become true.

i use a pano head and a tripod or clamp mount, so there is very little
to no parallax between stacks and each stack doesn't need alignment.
i have not used exr files in the past, its not clear to me how
sensitive they are to alignment yet.

and, lastly, working this way is something that hugin supports.  i
suppose part of what i'm doing is 'unofficial' testing...

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