On May 22, 5:08 pm, James Legg <lankyle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If the only difference is the number of pixels in the frame, then more
> megapixels input should give more megapixels optimal size for output. It
> is supposed to scale to the pixel density of the centre of the output.
> Since you are using different cameras, you could also be varying
> something else which affects the resolution. The field of view of the
> camera, the amount of overlap between the images, the field of view of
> the output, and the output projection type could all affect the optimal
> size too. Are these similar between your panoramas?

I hadn't thought of that .. the vFOV is indeed quite different between
the two [the 8Mp camera is about 52 degrees at its widest, while the
10Mp was almost 70].

That explains that.  Thanks.  :)


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