On 26 May 2010 19:17, Micah Chaney <micahcha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to do a small HDR blend with three photos in Hugin 5156.

> enblend: excessive overlap detected; remove one of the images
> enblend: info: remove invalid output image "2.tif"
> gnumake: *** [2.tif] Error 1

Are you trying to merge a single bracketed stack?

If the photos are identical only bracketed, so long as you pick
'Exposure Fusion' Hugin should notice this and feed them through
enfuse - Not enblend.

This enblend failure is annoying, but actually this could be triggered
by a Hugin bug in this case. Can you send the .pto project file that
shows this error?


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