On Sun, 2010-08-15 at 14:00 -0700, Alan wrote:
> Nick, thanks for the response...
> Yes, under the Images tab, each image shows a different shutter speed.
> And under the Exposure tab, each image has a different EV value.I've
> selected "Fused and blended panorama" (only) in the stitcher.
> I'm now suspecting that Hugin is building a panorama of the three
> images, and not a stack. What controls this? I don't have complete
> overlap of the three exposures (even within the cropped area) -- could
> this be detrimental?

Currently when using "Fused and blended panorama" Hugin makes
assumptions about what is or isn't a stack based on percentage overlap
of the images. It doesn't need to have complete overlap, but too little
overlap will cause Hugin to use enblend for combining the images rather
than enfuse.

> Here might be another clue: I saw in the on-screen log more than once
> "enfuse: warning: only one input image given."

It sounds like Hugin is assuming each image is in a separate stack, so
isn't enfusing them at all.

Try "Blended and fused panorama" instead of "Fused and blended
panorama". This works by using enblend to combine layers with a similar
exposure value, then using enfuse to combine the layers together. So it
works better on panoramas where differently exposed shots are not
similarly aligned, but it requires the e.v. are set more or less

> Which raises a secondary question: is there a way to save the log file
> so I can look at it more carefully?

You can run the stitch in a terminal. Saved with the pto file is a
pto.mk file, which is a makefile. So you can make the stitch with a
command like this:
        make -f project_file_name_here.pto.mk

If Hugin detects an error, the stitch window doesn't close
automatically. In this case you can just copy the text out of it.


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