
shows the parameter's I'm using (--grad --sieve1size 100 --sieve2size 2
-o %o %i). I assume this the configure window your speaking of.  The
website does list them correctly as "aruguements" to be entered in on
the parameter page for Pablo's version of panomatic.  In respect to the
name, it's an internal name I've been using for myself, not an official
one that Hugin devs or Pablo himself has decided on.

This is why you'll see in your /usr/local/bin a binary called panomatic.
Because of it's panomatic base (assumed), the resulting binary is also
called panomatic and as a result cannot be installed with panomatic
unless you are willing to re-name the binary.  The best way to do this
is through a terminal using the command

mv /usr/local/bin/panomatic /usr/local/bin/somename

where somename is whatever you choose to name Pablo's ACPD (automatic
control point detector.

I coined the term GeoDaisy simply because it's a play on words for the
papers Pablo used to create the patent free control point detector,
namely [Daisy] and [Geometric Blur] although, there is also [Descriptor
Learning] which I haven't been able to integrate into the name (yes I'm
trying). When I chose the name for my own system, nobody was using it,
but a quick search on goolge will show you it's everywhere now.

It really is up to Pablo to determine the final name, so understand this
was only a solution for me so I could install side by side both ACPD.
I'd suggested Pablomatic, but that was turned down :)

If you want to do a side by side install of panomatic and Pablo's Patent
Free ACPD you'll want to install Pablo's first, rename the binary, and
then panomatic as both binaries currently have the same name.

So, it is only necessary to remove panomatic if you've installed it
first.  You can run both of them side by side if you rename Pablo's PF

In respect to linking Hugin, I'm able to run Hugin from the binaries
without linking.  I'd be interested in know what error messages you are

I'm in the process of re-building the binaries for Ubuntu 10.04,
specifically looking for an easier install for me and others alike.  I
build on a brand new shiny clean 10.04 system each time.

On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 05:59 -0700, paolobenve wrote:
> Can't get geodaisy working following
> The configure window for geodaisy has parameter that are not mentioned
> in that page, how must I set them?
> Besides that, is panomatic to uninstall before installing geodaisy?
> On 18 Ago, 14:52, paolobenve <> wrote:
> > Hugin works only after establishing links from /usr/lib to the /usr/
> > local/lib libraries
> >
> > On 31 Lug, 08:28, Andreas Metzler <> wrote:
> >
> > > Dale Beams <> wrote:
> > > >
> >
> > > Hello,
> >
> > > * These are cmake built packages
> > >   ---> No proper package dependencies.
> > >   ---> Install to /usr/local/
> > >   ---> Not integrated in menu system
> >
> > > This should not make any major problems, though. Because they install to
> > > /usr/local/ you should not get problems on up/downgrades from or to
> > > official packages. Seems ok for bleeding edge.
> >
> > > * The versioning is off. Neither hugin 2010.2.0 nor enblend 4.1.1 have
> > > been released.
> >
> > > FWIW there is also 
> > > Debian/experimental
> >
> > > cu andreas
> > > --
> > > `What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
> > > so grateful to you.'
> > > `I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

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