On Sep 13, 10:32 pm, Avalerion <avaler...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've tried almost every single pano-tool on the web to accomplish
> this. SO, does anyone know of a solution that can dewarp two 180
> degree fisheye images and combine them? It doesn't need to be perfect
> on the edges, just dewarped and a flat JPEG.

To what would you like to dewarp them? It really depends on how much
of the field of view they jointly occupy, and you can only flatten so
much of the 360 by 180 sphere around you without noticable distortion.
Usually you would load the fisheye shots, stitch them into a spherical
panorama, and if you need output that looks 'flat', you can make a
cylindrical image from a strip around the horizon.

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