Ok, Dont remove other builds. But there must be fully working fully updated
Official builds. Builds which are labelled as OFFICIAL. I am using
opensource software and I have not seen 3, 4 builds of openoffice. There is
only one I download. Dont restrict others.

Fast preview issue in Zoran's build was not only my issue. I raised this
issue once. I contacted Bruno too but he is no on windows so he excused. I
used older builds. Than on this group many people raised this issue. So
after much investigation it was sorted out that its due to openGl support by
some certain vga cards. Now its included in Zoran build. it informs users
about compatibility. But same VGA card works without problem on latest hugin
builds in Ubuntu.
About APP pro. I am using it legitemately. App pro trial removes CPs. Only
first image pair has 60 Cps and on all other images 2 CPs are left. App pro
trial has offered this feature i have not cracked it to do so. Ptgui trial
does not give you anything. Its choice of vendor. So its within their
allowed limits. I can generate a full gigapixel from App pro with watermarks
but i follow your advice it will also be morally wrong......:)) APP pro team
is aware what they are offering and what can be done with a trial generated
PTO file with hugin. They can also have no option like PTgui but they are
confident on their product. So stop advocating me to buy App pro again.

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:09 AM, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:

> Hi Emad,
> On September 28, 2010 04:45:00 am Emad ud din Btt wrote:
> > I only highlight issues to improve our software Hugin.
> don't worry, I understand.  You are completely legitimate and welcome when
> you
> share *your* experience, highlight *your* issues, make *your* wishes known.
> It is the *perspective* from your point of view and I respect it.  I accept
> it.
> I have a big problem with individuals who claim that their point of view is
> the one that count, in absolute terms.  Even in the hypothetical case that
> they represent a majority.
> Hugin is from contributors to contributors and it is the point of view of
> the
> contributors that counts.  Contributors are a minority and it's OK.
> > How users like me will know this build is right or not? We users normally
> > download builds made by someone. I know Bruno's build or Yuv's builds may
> > be working excellently but how do I know that this build is Ok, made with
> > latest files? for exampe since Zoran's latest hugin windows builds fast
> > preview windows is not compatible with many Vga cards.
> This is a general problem of the internet:  trust your source of downloads,
> or
> don't download.  I can't fix it for you.  I can only give you this advice:
> The official download place for Hugin is [0].  If it is there, and if you
> have
> also verified the shasum of the download from Sourceforge, it is safe.
> Beyond that, you're on your own.  You are taking a risk.  And the big risk
> is
> not even a broken build.  The biggest risk is an attacker abusing your
> trust
> to ship a binary that is infected with malware.
> Every time I see an unknown name announcing a successful Windows build and
> a
> download URL I wonder if it this is *the* one.  So far we have been lucky.
> > There must be only one build for ubuntu, linux, fedora or windows. One
> > build that You have, Burno has and remove all other "Your builds" its
> > creating confusion.
> Impossible.  This goes against the principle of Open Source through which
> every user has access to the source code and is free to do many things with
> it, including building.
> That said: there is one official build for ubuntu, fedora, and other linux
> systems with a package manager.  It is the one found in their official
> repository.  But they don't want / can't prevent a user from getting a
> package
> from an unofficial repository.  Ubuntu handles it pretty nicely, with PPAs.
> Everybody can have an unofficial repository (a PPA) on launchpad.  He must
> sign the code and be "known" to launchpad.  There is an official Hugin PPA
> on
> launchpad.
> Systems without a package manager (i.e. Windows and OSX) don't have this
> option.  But then, they are geared at proprietary software where there is
> only
> one build - the one officially sanctioned by the owner of the code.
> Last but not least, the one feedback I had for you:  If you are using
> Autopano
> Pro trial to generate your CPs, the morally right thing to do is to buy an
> Autopano Pro license.  I don't think that a trial is meant to be
> circumvented
> the way you are doing, even if it is possible and it works.  Ultimately,
> what
> you do is your decision and I don't judge you.  I am just stating what I
> would
> be doing if I was you.  And I do have a paid Autopano Pro license (which I
> don't use).
> Yuv
> [0] http://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/files/
> [1] https://launchpad.net/~hugin



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