On Tue, 2010-10-12 at 00:51 -0700, Mateusz wrote:
> Hi James,
> I haven't seen change yet, but can the warning (or maybe it already
> does) contain predicted output size and information what to do if this
> is not intentional ?

The warning is of this form:
        Are you sure you want to stitch such a large panorama?
        The panorama you are trying to stitch is 960.4 gigapixels.
        If this is too big, reduce the panorama Canvas Size and the
        cropped region and stitch from the Stitcher tab. Stitching a
        panorama this size could take a long time and a large amount of

It appears if trying to stitch with a crop region over half a gigapixel.

> I guess it's not possible to calculate how much memory algorithm will
> use ?

It might be, I haven't checked how Nona and Enblend allocate memory.


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