I'm in the process of building an HDR 360 panorama taken from the
monument in Provincetown, MA on Cape Cod.  This stands about 250'
above the town and a little more above the mostly surrounding ocean.
Due to safety bars and plexiglass, there are only a few places where I
was able to stick a lens through the bars to get a shot, and only four
possible angles, spaced 90 degrees apart.  I could use a monopod, but
there was no possibility of using a tripod.  Fortunately, I have the
Sigma 8-16 mm lens, which is wide enough for this (about 110 degrees
HFOV), although there's not that much overlap.

I took three exposures (0, -2, +2) at each spot.

The alignment strategy I'm using is to tie the three exposures of each
set together and then tie the middle exposure of each set together
(think something vaguely analogous to a benzene molecule).  I can only
get useful control points in the lower half of the image and at that
only on land and stationary objects in the harbor.  The reason for
this is that I want the fused image sets to be as clean as possible
prior to final blending.

A few things I've observed that would ease my work here:

1) While fine tuning works well between the different exposures in
   each set, it works very poorly if at all between the images from
   different positions, probably because in some places the images are
   rotated almost 90 degrees from each other.  Since I want a really
   tight alignment between the images in each set, I want to fine tune
   the CPs there and toss the bad ones.  Currently I either have to
   manually fine tune each marginal point or use the fine tune all
   points, which is worse than useless (and even crashed Hugin
   reproducibly at one point -- unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a
   stack trace).  Hence, I'd like a command to fine tune all points
   between the selected images.

   In general, fine tuning CPs in images offset at very sharp angles
   works very poorly; the rotation seems to confuse the fine tuning
   algorithm and the points are placed very strangely.

2) Removing the CPs in the image pairs I didn't want to tie together
   had to be done one at a time; it would be handy to have a similar
   command to (1) remove all CPs between the selected images.

3) I'm mostly doing my own manual fine tuning by nudging each CP with
   the arrow keys.  There are two problems here:

   * Each press of the arrow key creates a separate undo event.  If I
     have to move the point a fair distance, this creates a lot of
     undo events.  That's unpleasant enough, but the undo command
     doesn't indicate what it's undoing (the menu just has Undo/Redo,
     rather than Undo Nudge Control Point or the like).  It would be
     more convenient for the undo stack to undo a whole sequence of

   * Often but not always -- and I haven't found the pattern here --
     the image under the mouse loses the magnifier (it pops down).  I
     can get the magnifier in both images by moving the mouse to the
     narrow strip of screen between the two images, but then I can't
     move the point.  If I have an active control point, I'd like the
     magnifier to be visible at all times.  The unpredictable nature
     of this suggests it's a bug.


Robert Krawitz                                     <r...@alum.mit.edu>

Tall Clubs International  --  http://www.tall.org/ or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom  --  http://ProgFree.org
Project lead for Gutenprint   --    http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net

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