On 22/10/10 00:17, James Legg wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-10-21 at 22:00 +0100, Ognjen Bezanov wrote:
>> Never mind, I found out that I had to update hugin to 2010.2.0 in order
>> to get it. Now I have a new issue.
>> after setting projection to rectilinear, nona fails with "caught
>> exception: std::bad_alloc"
>> This seems to happen with or without the addition of pano_modify.
>> Any ideas what might be causing this? Could there be a bugin the latest
>> version of Hugin?
> This can happen when Nona is trying to stitch to an image that is so big
> it doesn't fit in memory. Try using pano_modify with --center --fov=AUTO
> --canvas=AUTO --crop=AUTO to get a sensible size, or fixing it with the
> Hugin GUI.
> I guess it is a bug if the output is automatically way too big. Also, if
> the size is sane but nona crashes anyway, there is a bug in nona.
> -James

Yet again I am thankful for your help! I tried running pano_modify with
the settings you gave, but now I get a segfault in pano_modify!

#>> pano_modify --center --fov=AUTO --canvas=AUTO --crop=AUTO
--projection=0 -o project.pto ./project.pto

Setting projection to Rectilinear
Center panorama
Fit panorama field of view to best size
Setting field of view to 179 x 178
Caluclate optimal size of panorama
Setting canvas size to 2086957 x 1043374
Searching for best crop rectangle
Run called
Down to Algorithm
Calculate the cropping region
Original Image: 2086957x1043374
Segmentation fault

How much memory do I need? I have 3GB on my box atm (Running Gentoo
Linux 2.6.31).

What I don't understand is, why is it segfaulting now? It would process
the image before just fine. Logically the image before should be larger
than the cropped one, so it should have segfaulted back then?

And why is the image so large? Each scan is 1578x935 and there are 15 of
them. Assuming they are put end to end (which is not the case, as there
is like 70% overlap between them) we'd get a maximum size of 1578x14025
 This is far less than "2086957x1043374". Where on earth is that number
coming from?

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