Well, since all mentioned applications are open source, why don't you
go ahead and start mashing up a nice program? Or do you think this
will be too much work or too hard?

I'm not here to discourage anyone, but seriously, this suggestion is
very far from a simple / easy / straightforward task. The availability
of source code "to start with" does not make much difference: being
able to open a video stream and extract frames does not imply that
stitching them automatically (into what?) is done with a few lines of
code. But if you want to give it a shot, go ahead of course.

Oh and by the way, krpano is NOT a video stitching program. It is
"merely" a program which can display panoramic video (ok, warping it
in real time), which is already in panoramic format (e.g. stitched
from multiple videos in a pre-processing step or taken with a
panoramic camera system directly).


On 1 nov, 23:48, Tom Sparks <tom_a_spa...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> --- On Sat, 30/10/10, paisajesenvenezuela <guerrerodelu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > has any of the hugin creators though
> > about using FFMPEG, OPENCV and
> > LIBPANO to make user open, read, write video files and to
> > be able to
> > stitch theM??
> > VLC is made with QT, and uses FFMPEG, so if any of the
> > coders need
> > some sample code to work on, they could use VLC and FFMPEG
> > to start..
> I would like to see a real-time video stitch/warping program like krpano but 
> not flash based
> tom

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