Hi all,

last week I selected a small panel representative of the different stakeholders 
(developers, builders, packagers, triagers, reporters) of the bug tracker and 
I asked them to complete basic tasks on the prototype [0] of our future 
bugtracker at Launchpad.  A total of six people were contacted.  Sorry if 
*you* were not amongst those six, I have asked you (the whole mailing list) 
for feedback a few weeks ago; and constructive feedback is still welcome.

I am still waiting for one person to get back - lack of time is common in Open 

The vast majority of comments I got from all other panelists (which happen to 
be amongst the most active users of the bug tracker in the time leading to my 
request) were positive and the discussion moved quickly to details of how to 
make the added features work best for us once we migrated.

Unless that one person (or anybody else from this mailing list) comes back 
with a show stopper,  I will move ahead with the migration as planned.

An announcement will follow.

There will be a (hopefully short) period of time during which the bug tracker 
won't be available - neither for reporting new bugs nor for working on 
existing ones.  We'll try to keep that period as short as possible.

I look forward to see *you* participating in bug tracking/testing/hunting on 
Launchpad.  There will be an opportunity very soon as I am preparing the 
2010.4 release cycle.


[0] https://bugs.qastaging.launchpad.net/scriptify/

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