> 2. 2010.4beta1 binaries
> Let's try to get binaries released as soon as possible after the tarball.
> For Ubuntu I will try to do it myself on the Hugin PPA.  I am currently using
> Lucid, and I have a Jaunty chroot environment.  I can't support Maverick and
> Natty at the moment, sorry.
> Bruno / Terry, is anybody of you going to build/post a Fedora package?
> Harry, do you mind if I ask you to build OSX binaries once the tarball is
> posted?
> Who is up to produce a Windows installer? Matthew?
> Have I missed anything? oh, yes, the source distros.  Anybody from Gentoo and
> FreeBSD around?
> Thank you, builders, for taking the lead on your platforms of choice and make
> Hugin easily available there.

I'll try to build some packages using OpenSuSE Build Service if I have
enough time (I'm afraid I won't). This way I could create packages for
multiple distributions (I'd like to support at least current versions
of Fedora, OpenSuSE and Mandriva).

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