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Hugin-2010.4.0beta2 RELEASE NOTES

Hugin is a panorama stitcher and more.  A new version is available.  This is 
probably the last beta in the current release cycle and we plan a first 
release candidate for December 17.


Tracking of bugs, patches, and features requests for Hugin has switched from 
SourceForge to Launchpad.  Hugin's needs have outgrown the SourceForge 
tracker.  The project is grateful to SourceForge for providing it with a 
nurturing infrastructure since inception.  We hope that the more modern and 
feature-rich tracker on Launchpad will enable the project to work through the 
backlog of over 200 tickets and process an increasing amount of tickets more 

Please report bugs and feature requests at https://bugs.launchpad.net/hugin


New strings have been added.  Please help us translating the new strings into 
your language.  Instructions at 


The 2010.4beta2 source tarball can be downloaded from sourceforge at 

This is a sourcecode release.  The project has limited resources and relies on 
third parties to produce binaries for the different platforms.  Instructions 
at http://wiki.panotools.org/Development_of_Open_Source_tools .  If you have a 
build to contribute for your platform, contact the Hugin developers team on 
http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx .

A number of users have pledged to provide binaries within a few days after a 
tarball release.  Look for announcements of these binaries on 

This tarball is equivalent to rev/changeset 4676:6f536b4ba7fb in our Mercurial 
repository, where it is also tagged 2010.4beta2

Verify its SHA1SUM e36ca4a91c5fa662891bbfd735c648e6fd70dde0 

CHANGES SINCE 2010.4.0beta1

Updated Translations
* Czech (Vaclav Cerny)
* Venezoelan Spanish (Ernesto Enrique Alvarado Viloria)
* Spanish (Uwe Koch Kronberg)
* Italian (Cristian Marchi)
* German (Joachim Schneider, Thomas Modes)
* Dutch (Harry van der Wolf)
* French (Jean-Luc Coulon)

* Fixes some compiler warnings (Thomas Modes)
* Show message box after celeste only once (Davide Fabbri)
* Fix build on kFreeBSD (Andreas Metzler)
* Fix syntax error in es_VE.po (Cristian Marchi)
* Removed extra reset to TIFF_m (Gerry Patterson)
* Fix for outputMode errror (Gerry Patterson)
* Fix some errors in spanish translation (Thomas Modes)
* Italian Desktop Entries (Cristian Marchi)
* Fix for crash when loading bogus pto file (Gerry Patterson)
* Removed unnecessary extra call for clear EXIF display on Images Tab
  (Gerry Patterson)
* Added cpfind+align_image_stack setting (Thomas Modes)
* Fix for images disappear from control points tab (Gerry Patterson)
* Updated toc and index of compiled help file (Thomas Modes)
* Updated help files (Thomas Modes)
* External links inside wxHtmlWindow open in system's web browser
  (Yuval Levy)
* Correctly populate cp detectors with default settings if no stored
  config found (Thomas Modes)
* Added minimize button to preview windows (Thomas Modes)


This release of Hugin is dedicated to Milko K. Amorth (1960-2010).  Details in 
the About menu.


This is our third release in 2010.  For the first time Hugin can be considered 
feature-complete.  A third-party control points generator is no longer 
necessary. This release delivers some major new features, integrates some 
projects from the 2010 Google Summer of Code, and includes many general 

_Built-in Control Points Generator_

For the first time Hugin does not depend on a third-party control points 
generator.  cpfind is the result of years of ongoing efforts and Google Summer 
of Code projects aimed at delivering a 'patent-free' control points generator.  
Third-party control point generators are still supported.

Instead of passing an often incomplete and incompatible set of parameters 
through the command line, the built-in control points generator has direct 
access to all project information and tools.  It speeds up and optimizes 
multi-row matching.  It uses Celeste to identify the sky.  Unlike most of its 
predecessors it is multi-threaded and takes advantage of modern multi-core 

Additionally, Hugin now has the ability to save and load control-point 
generators settings from disk, reducing confusion and errors due to the 
changes in the command line interface of the third-party control points 

_Improved Unattended Operation_

Many features improve unattended (batch) operation including:
* The Batch Processor has been improved and can now automatically detect 
* The Assistant is now batchable as well, so more operations can be automated 
and run unattended.
* More robust Makefiles to drive the stitching process (see Refactored 
Makefile Library below

_Improved Interaction and Functionality_

Many features improve user interaction (real-time) including:
* Masks have been extended with two new types to support stacks in the Masks 
* Numeric Transform now supports translation (mosaic mode).
* Photos are now loaded in a background thread.  This means that Hugin 
projects can be used immediately without waiting for all the photos to be 
* The Stitcher tab is now rearranged and with less jargon to clarify the 
* Better compliance with native user interface guidelines on Windows, OS X and 
* Hints in the Preview window now suggest improvements.

_Improved Reporting of Stitching and System Information_

*System information is shown in About window.
*Stitching now reports more information about the current system.
*Stitching log can be saved for better bug reporting.

_New Command-Line Tools_

* cpfind is a command line interface to Hugin's native 'patent-free'control 
point detector.
* icpfind uses the different control point detectors and heuristic control 
point detector strategies from the command line. It does not introduce new 
functionality, it allows running the different control points detectors with a 
unified command structure from the command line.

_Refactored Makefile Library_

Hugin stitches panoramas by chaining together individual commands.  The 
stitching process is driven by make a tool known for automatically assembling 
software not images.  The list of targets and the commands to reproduce them 
are described in a declarative language called a Makefile.  Hugin leverages 
the benefits of make for the stitching process. Makefiles make the process 
easy to stop and start, postpone or continue on different machines and 
generally makes everything very flexible and efficient.  If a panorama has 
been only partially edited, the Makefile ensures that only those steps that 
have changed are computed again.  Make enables advanced application such as 
automated stitching and distributed stitching.

With this release, the stitching logic has been recreated with a new C++ 
library for creating Makefiles.  This should enable better and more precise 
control over the various stitching tools and scripting of other aspects of 
panorama creation.

_Libraries and Build Improvements_

* Hugin uses the wxWidgets GUI toolkit.  Support has been added for wxWidgets 
2.9.  It is still experimental.  Hugin still supports wxWidgets 2.7 and 
recommends 2.8.
* Support for gcc-4.4.4 and gcc-4.5.1 compilers.
* boost 1.34 minimum version required.  At least the following boost libraries
   * filesystem
   * graph
   * iostreams
   * regex
   * signals
   * system
   * thread
* Hugin defaults to saving TIFF files with LZW compression instead of 
PACKBITS.  This requires a libtiff with LZW support.
* On Linux/Unix systems, libaries are now installed in a private location.  
This simplifies things for users who want to run multiple versions of Hugin 

_New Visuals_

Hugin has had the same logo and icon almost since inception.  Unfortunately 
the source files have gone lost in time.  Cristian Marchi contributed SVG 
files of new logo and icons that are an evolution of the original artwork by 
Dr. Luca Vascon. To celebrate the first feature-complete release of Hugin the 
project has adopted a new visual appearance.  Moreover all artwork source has 
been collected into ./artwork-src.  To facilitate contributions from graphic 
designers the generation of the actual buttons and icons has been streamlined 
and scripted.

_Other Improvements_

This release has the usual bugfixes, adds minor features, and provides some 
more command-line tools for scripting panorama projects.

_Control point generators_

Hugin ships now with its own 'Patent Free' control point generator. You can 
still install and configure one of the following control-point generators as
* autopano-sift-C
* panomatic
* libpanomatic
* match-n-shift
* Autopano-SIFT
* Autopano freeware version

The project will continue to support the plug-in architecture.


Upgrading from previous versions of Hugin should be seamless. If you do have 
problems with old settings, these can be reset in the Preferences by clicking 
'Load defaults'.

For users compiling from source: note that the minimum version of wxWidgets 
supported is 2.7.0, libpano13 needs to be at least 2.9.17, and that Hugin 
requires GLEW the OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library, freeglut the OpenGL 
utility toolkit, and libGLU the OpenGL utility library.

See the README and INSTALL_cmake files for more information.

Thanks to all the contributors to this release and members of the hugin-ptx 
mailing list, too many to mention here.

Hugin can be found at http://hugin.sourceforge.net/
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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