On 18 December 2010 16:22, Jan Martin <janmar...@diy-streetview.org> wrote:
> Bruno,
> care to estimate what kind of speed improvement optimizing the code would be
> good for?
> What would it need to get it done?
> Who is qualified to do it?
> Jan

I think it would be quite difficult. I remeber I looked at the nona
code quite some time ago (bit it didn't really change since that
time). Most of the code is generated at compile time from templates so
sometimes it's a bit difficult to really understand what it does and
especially how to optimize it. But I guess that a big slowdown is
caused by vigra. Yeah, it allows to write completelly generic code
like the nona code is but for a price.

I know it from my experiments with hugin deghosting. Vigra's types are
due to extensive polymorphism usage slow, even the simple ones like
RGBsomethingsomething (I had too much vine to remeber that) or vector
types like tinyvector. Also the reason of the slowdown is operator

As I said, it allows you to write generic code but at a price. For
example you can do things like a + b and it translates to a + b for
one component data (eg. grayscale image) or (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1],
a[2] + b[2]) for RGB or Lab or whatever type which is a 3-component
vector. The problem is code generated by the compiler when you add
more together. For example a * b + c is, for three component data,
implemented as somethinglike

for (i=0; i <3; i++)
  tmpres[i] = a[i] + b[i]
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
  res[i] = tmpres[i] + c[i]

You  can see that there these loops can be shrinked to one, but
compiler won't do this. But there are some possibilities how to make
compiler to make it in one loop but it's a black magic. If you
implement all this manually (ie. you implement different code for
vector types and scalar types) you can gain quite some speed but I
wouldn't like to mutilate nona - this code is just too sexy.


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