I have already noticed a 'strange' behaviour of the magnifier in the
control point editor panel ( but never understood it ).
Today I loaded in hugin a few astronomical images ( see thread [1] ),
and while adding a few cp I noticed that when the magnifier was
positioned on the dark background ( no bright stars in the fov of the
magnifier ) it showed a 'bright and dark texture', I couldn't
understand where it came from.
Searching in the code found that before being displayed the magnifier
is 'contrast enhanced' ( the darkest part of the image is converted to
back, the brightest part is converted to 255, max brightness ).
This is to help identifying 'features' in the images.
But when the magnifier is placed on a low contrast part of the image
( a generic image, not the astronomical image I refered above ) this
amplification ( contrast enhancement ) could be very high and this
seems a little bit confusing to me ( I mean the magnifier show a very
high contrast on a part of the image which has very low contrast ).
I think we could/should limit the maximum contrast enhancement.

> in file CPImageCtrl.cpp line 601
>    // transform to range 0...255
>    vigra::transformImage(vigra::srcImageRange(magImg), 
> vigra::destImage(magImg),
>                          vigra::linearRangeMapping(
>                            VT(minmax.min), VT(minmax.max),               // 
> src range
>                            VT(0), VT(255)) // dest range
>                          );

[2] http://www.davidefabbri.net/files/panorama/magnifier.zip

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