On December 25, 2010 02:00:11 pm kfj wrote:
> since you refer to panomatic as your reference

this is what milkman used as reference.

> , did you take into
> account that panomatic also scales down the images?

yes - the first two reports are with scaled down images, and I assume they 
scale both to the same size (since that part has been borrowed from panomatic 
for cpfind).

> To make a valid speed comaprison, you have to also call panomatic with the
> --fullscale flag.

I'm not into speed comparison at this moment.

> > What surprises me is that cpfind's results are worse at full scale than
> > resized.
> that is indeed very worrying!
> I made a trial, though, and the --fullscale version did take much
> longer, but also produced more CPs.

with the posted images, or with your own images?  we need more data.  it is 
cpfind non-fullscale vs. cpfind fullscale that I was comparing in my last 
comparison, and that finding was very worrying.

>  > Please continue discussion and testing there.
> ...oops, saw that too late

no worries.  for now this is mostly chatter.  But we need to collect the body 
of information available, and it will be a collection over weeks and months 
and maybe even years and this is where the limits of a mailing list and of 
human memory are attained.

thanks for testing

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