On 26 December 2010 23:09, Bruno Postle <brunopos...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> This post by Peter Sikking is a good read and links to further
> information on both the GIMP and Krita processes:
> http://blog.mmiworks.net/2010/03/working-on-vision-with.html
> The basic approach that we should be taking it is to first decide what
> Hugin is and who it is for rather than compiling lists of new features

I think there are various ways we could describe Hugin:

Hugin is a panorama stitcher.

I think this is too simplistic, though it is what practically all new
users are looking for initially. A longer description would be:

Hugin is software that understands a photograph as a record of light
in a particular time and place, not just a collection of pixels. It
has a sophisticated photometric and lens model, and calculates
parameters for this by comparing photos that are known to overlap.
Hugin can also use this information create a new image from one or
more photos, this new image is a record that itself resembles a
photograph, although potentially from an impossible camera.

Looking at this second description, two things fall out:

Hugin doesn't have a usable way to share lens and camera information
between users, you basically have to recalculate this every time you
create a project.

When Hugin creates an output image it discards all the photometric and
geometric information it knows about this image. Hugin ought to write
metadata to the image that would allow Hugin to use the image as input
at some time in the future.

This is just my interpretation, a different vision of the software
would indicate other inadequacies, or superfluous features.


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