On December 30, 2010 10:38:36 am Rogier Wolff wrote:
> I think the gui is "reasonable" in that it pops
> up the assistant and nudges the user to click "1: load images", and
> this will result in a pano a few clicks further down the road.

Disagree.  That assistant tab assist is a nuisance to the power user and a 
deception to the occasional user - especially to that kind of occasional user 
who think of themselves as a power user and push all sorts of levers and 
buttons without understanding them.

> But among the hundreds or thousands of people for whom it just works,
> there will always be a few who happen to have the corner-cases that
> triggers the problems with optimization.

This is the opportunity to turns this kind of occasional user into a power 
user if guided in its learning.  The UI plays a critical role and our fails: 
no guidance at all.  It only drives the user to click around wildly without 
understanding what he is doing.  Frustrating trial and error, until they 
either give up or complain.

> The people who just stitch their project won't file bug reports.

Indeed, and it makes it difficult to gauge the "silent majority".

We have lost a number of people from that silent majority with the 
introduction of XYZ optimization one year ago - see the feedback brought 
forward recently by Rick.  How many such have we "lost" along the way?

If we are lucky they come here and ask for help, they learn the new trick and 
become more powerful users.  A less than optimal scenario is that they just 
stick to the old version.  Until they have no choice.  The worse scenario is 
that they become the pain in the neck that complains that "0.7.0 was better" 
and that Hugin suffers of "feature bloat".  They become a drag on the project.

And yet they have a legitimate need.  They are just too narrowly focused and 
start with the (mostly wrong) assumption that they are right and the software 
is wrong; and that things must work in the future like they have worked in the 

The answer to this is to design a different user interface.  Having a Python 
interface (as precognized by Kay lately, and by a few others before him) would 
help here.


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