Hullo Thomas,

On Jan 7, 3:52 am, "T. Modes" <> wrote:


> Is the input or the output projection or both missing?

I can now report that thoby is available everywhere, as it should
be...all fixed.

The problem appears to have been related to my build of libpano13.
After reporting that I couldn't see thoby in my x86_64 build, I had a
problems building libpano13 for i386, which was solved when I made a
new source distribution. (I had used 'Cmake', 'make package_source',
which is not robust. After using './bootstrap', './configure', 'make
dist', the source dist was OK)
So, I rebuild libpano13, rebuilt hugin, and now all is OK.

Sorry if I caused any inconvenience.


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