On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 09:21:14AM -0500, Yuval Levy wrote:
> - w: weight (0.0 to 100.0) - default 1.0

I still say: Don't mention an upper limit. 

Weight: floating point, default 1.0. We currently don't expect
negative weights to be useful, but who knows.

You can add a remark: currently Yuval thinks values between about 0
and 100 make sense and outside are not really useful, but who knows
what may become useful in the future. 

Do not write unneccesary things into the spec. From your spec someone
might implement a parser that reads 1 or two digits, a period followed
by one more digit. Or special case 100.0. 

Now weight 1 is invalid. Should be 1.0 for that parser. We can't
specify 1.05. 0.1 and 0.2 are a factor of two apart, and whereas we
have a 1/1000 resolution in specifying high weights we only have 0/10
resolution of specifying lower weights.


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