On 20 Jan., 22:03, "T. Modes" <thomas.mo...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Thanks for you help.
> I finally got it to run. There were some errors in hpi.py (fixed in
> repository).

Oops... sorry for the glitch. Most embarassing. Your corrections are
correct ;-) I should have checked more thoroughly...

But you got it to run? On Windows? That would be good news indeed,
because there are so many Windows hugin users out there, and I was
secretly afraid of subtle differences in SWIG and Python that might
make my code useless there. Great relief, big thumbs up to you! I'm
still struggling with the accessor functions. I just can't get SWIG to
process these macros, so what I've decided upon now is the following:

I'll generate the required i-file code (so, code for SWIG) by means of
a Python script. If what's desired is a Python interfcae, there ought
to be Python on the machine where the stuff is compiled. I'll write
the script so that it grabs image_variables.h, processes that and
produces a separate i-file, which then gets %included into the main i-
file. That way, whenever image_variable.h changes, the accessor i-file
can be triggered to be regenerated automatically with a bit of cmake
magic. I'll report when the script is ready.


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