Dear all.

As Yuv recently put on the radar the Google Summer of Code will start soon - 
even though it's winter now.

To eventually support students, we need persons who are up to doing such 
support during the Summer of Code and fit this work (a timeline can be found 
here: [1]) into their schedule. Hopefully some experienced GSOC mentors can 
chime in on how much work is expected for a mentor.

I suppose as in past years, we'll ideally have a primary mentor for each 
student and secondary mentors to help. If you would like to help, please reply 
to this email, I'll compile a list of Mentors on the panotools wiki.

And keep in mind: It is not yet known if hugin will be accepted for the Summer 
of Code, so this is - for the moment - only an declaration of intent from any 
possible mentors!

Greetings from Switzerland


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