enblend: warning: failed to detect any seam
enblend: mask is entirely black, but white image was not identified as
enblend: info: remove invalid output image "2011-03-09-
make: *** [2011-03-09-BIBLIOTHEQUE-001_fused.tif] Erreur 1

Output options
Hugin Version: 2011.0.0.472072ea810d
Project file: /tmp/huginpto_Xd7iip
Output prefix: 2011-03-09-BIBLIOTHEQUE-001
Projection: Equirectangular (2)
Field of view: 360 x 162
Canvas dimensions: 16744 x 7535
Crop area: (0,153) - (16744,6997)
Output exposure value: 14.88
Selected outputs
Exposure fusion
* Fused and blended panorama

System information
Operating system: GNU/Linux
Release: 2.6.35-28-generic
Kernel version: #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 14:39:03 UTC 2011
Machine: x86_64

AMD Phenom  9550 Quad-Core

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