Hi all,

My name is Steven Williams and I am in my fourth year studying
mathematics at Walla Walla University. I just saw the GSoC advert and
thought Hugin would be a fun thing to work on this summer. I have been
using the program for a few years now and have a Canon Digital Rebel
XTi. Several of my panoramas are up on Panoramio (http://
www.panoramio.com/user/619377). Some of the other pictures there also
used Hugin for alignment with multiple exposures (the barn is a good
example of this). I also have a Flickr photostream (http://

For my coding skills, I am quite proficient at TI Basic (which I
started learning in high school :), and have been writing programs in c
++ for about three years. I also know a smattering of c# and Java, and
have been playing around with Processing recently. I have experience
on both Windows and Linux (Ubuntu mostly).

I would really like to work on a new straight line tool as outlined on
the wiki (http://wiki.panotools.org/Straight_Line_UI_proposal). For my
senior math seminar I wrote an interactive program in c++ and SDL to
render IFS fractals, and it required a similar approach for inputting
layout and control boxes. It's up on GitHub now (https://github.com/
onomou/ifsFractalGen). This tool sounds like something both fun and
doable for me in the given time this summer.

About a year ago I managed to compile Hugin, and am in the process of
doing it again, though it might not get done until tomorrow.

I look forward to your replies. Thanks!

Steven Williams
Walla Walla University

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