What would be most usefull would be the ability to enter rotational
info from a gigapan or similar head and then have control points
picked strictly from the overlap.  It would create a much better
starting point and be much more efficient than searching for matches
across hundreds of images.
On Apr 18, 5:59 am, Christopher Allen <cpcal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 18 April 2011 11:11, Simon Oosthoek <soml...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> > On18/04/11 08:02, Calvin McDonald wrote:
> >> If I ...
> >>   [ Do everything perfectly ]
> >> Can I expect to get successful stitches from Hugin without any control
> >> points?
> > In the most optimal case, you need at least 3 control points with a
> > neighbour on each image you want to include in the stitched result. And
> > you should be able to "travel" from each image to every other image
> > using control points as bridges.
> This is false.  Hugin stitches without reference to control points.
> (Try it some time: remove all the control points, then re-stitch.
> Works great.)  The control points are only used to adjust the position
> (+ size + distortion + exposure etc.) of the images, and the the
> optimal case (absolutely correct parameters entered manually) perfect
> results can (in principle) be achieved without any control points.
> In answer to Calvin's original question, however: it depends on what
> you mean by "successful".  It will produce a panorama, but unless your
> equipment is very, very good (e.g., the panorama head would need to be
> able to position the camera with less than one pixel error, to start
> with) you will get better results from adding control points and
> optimising in the usual way.  In my case, even if I had a "perfect"
> pano head I would have to use a fixed focus and aperture, because
> otherwise the field-of-view (v) of the lenses I use varies slightly
> from image to image.  Oh, and then there's all that play in the zoom
> mechanism...
> That said, enblend is fairly good at hiding misalignments, so with the
> right combination of factors (good equipment, few obvious edges and a
> tolerance for minor artefacts) you might find the results are "good
> enough".
> Christopher

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