On May 29, 2011 03:32:24 pm T. Modes wrote:
> > PS: What should be happen with the originalcalibrate_lens?
> > I'm for removing it: First calibrate_lens is using it's own lens model
> > which is not compatible with libpanos model. So the output does not
> > help any user to correct an image (In several mails I asked for a
> > explanation of the parameters but nobody could explain it.) Second the
> > source code is ugly: mixing global variable with local variables. So
> > it is complicate to reuse the code or fix bugs. The main parts I
> > refactored into an own lib (huginlines) from where they can now easily
> > used. Also it pulls in several dependencies which are not used in the
> > current state (They are only used when activated some deactivated
> > code). Removing calibrate_lens would also allow to remove ANN from src/
> > foreign.
> > What's your opinion? Has somebody used calibrate_lens and vote for
> > keep it?
> Nobody votes for it? No more comments?
> When nobody objects, it will be removed.

Sorry, I had not seen the original post.

IIRC the new lens model used in calibrate_lens is an idea of Tom Sharpless.  
He and Tim worked on this during Tim's 2008 GSoC project.

The model was meant to be superior to the libpano lens model.  I have not seen 
any follow up on this, so for the time being it seem to be of limited 
practical use.

Removing the code from the current default branch will not be a complete loss 
- those interested in this code can still find it by checking out older 
revisions; and the code can be revived if necessary.  IIRC Tom had plans for 
the new lens model.  I would suggest talking with him before removing.


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