Hi all,

Thanks to Thomas we now have a stitching Hugin on Leopard 10.5, be it via

I built a complete release bundle which is exactly the same as the last test
build apart from the "version stamp"  which now mentions 2011.0.1

Please do a final test to check whether it still works correctly.
Also: I added a "README FIRST LEOPARD USERS.txt" file in the dmg. Please let
me know if it is clear enough and also feel free to correct for errors.

You can download the bundle here: <

If it is confirmed to work correctly I will upload it to hugin.sf.net to
replace the current one.

Note: I'm not sure whether we need a patch in the official tar.bz. I think
this will only happen in the bundle on 10.5. When build via cmake
huginstitchproject is a separate mini bundle and therefore works differentl.
At the moment I am the only bundle builder although Skip can do it as well.


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