Hello Sumit

On 28.06.2011, at 16:03, Sumit wrote:

> Hello,
>     I have a basic question. If someone wants to develop Hugin, or wants to 
> adopt some features of hugin in his application, how can he.
I might not understand your question correctly, but if you want to adopt some 
features of hugin in your application, you can download the code from the code 
repository on sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/files/hugin/ 
The code is open source, so you can look at it and adapt it to your liking.

> Also how can he be able to see the change in the functionality after changing 
> the code. Do we have to use command prompt for this?
I am not a programmer, but for seeing the change in functionality after editing 
the code you of course need to build the code into a working software. The 
panotools Wiki has compiling info for nearly every Operating system: 

> Also does anyone have any idea how to run Imagemagick in command prompt ... 
If you have it installed (which Operating System are you on?) you need to open 
your command prompt and enter the ImageMagick command. On my mac I just 
recently resized and cropped 5000 images with by entering "loligo:~ habi$ 
mogrify -resize 1280 -shave 0x65 *.jpg" in Terminal.app. ImageMagick was 
installed via MacPorts: http://www.macports.org/, but this might differ for 
your system.


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