2011/8/4 Terry Duell <tdu...@iinet.net.au>

> On Thu, 04 Aug 2011 12:54:17 +1000, AKS-Gmail-IMAP <aksei...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  Pardon the off topic comment, but would someone please explain how one can
>> expect trees to grow in the street within the curb line?
> I can only guess. They might get more water, from gutter, than if planted
> up on edge of footpath. May not be a problem if the hole is dug deep through
> any compacted road base.
>  This set fast preview views just fine on a OS X G4 10.5.8 setup.
> Have there been any reported failures on OSX thus far?
> Cheers,
> --
> Regards,
> Terry Duell
Yes, by me. 2 days ago (1). I encountered this error 2 or 3 times but can't
reproduce it. Not with any of my 2 own test sets, nor with your set of
I mentioned that I can't find traces of errors in my system log, but maybe I
did after all (used grep instead of grep -i). The biggest issue is that I
can't reproduce it when I want to (which is off course very nice for the OSX
users) and I didn't do an immediate search. I have been working on the
ptbatchergui call a lot and experienced more crashes: one or 2 more don't
ring a bell then even if it's in another area of hugin.

When backtracking in my system log, my guess is that the error that caused
it is:
"ERROR: 16:25:18.676236
SetParameters(): GL Error when setting texture parameters: invalid
But as mentioned: that's a guess.
I hope a programmer can judge whether this is related or not.


(1): http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.misc.ptx/28334

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