On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 1:18 AM, Terry Duell <tdu...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Hullo Tommaso,
> Do you understand the valgrind output well enough to be more specific about
> where in the hugin code these problems are occurring?
> Being able to home in one where the fixes are needed would help, if that's
> possible.

Hi Terry,

if what we can see in the first part of the valgrind output is not a
false positive,
there is a probelm at design level,
i.e. gtk+ is used in more not synchronized threads

This could require a deep revision of the code;
 as I have never seen the hugin code,
I can't help here.

In the second part of the valgrind output there are a couple of backtraces
probably caused by some other thread issue, as Lukas said.

you could see more running hugin with the debugger

gdb hugin

and at crash time you should see the same backtrace valgrind reports
and also memory and variables value at crash time.

Then digging a bit, you could see where the problem is,
but if you are not a developer,
find out the problem following this way could be an hard job.

I think it is better to wait for Lukas' help.

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