Hugin 2011.2.0-rc3 binaries for Windows are now available.
See downloads page:

The builds are not Python enabled as I have yet to devise a method of
distribution that reliably works without a local Python install.

These builds are built my old SDK and should therefore be more stable
than the rc2 builds. I will also publish builds with my new SDK soon
for further testing.


On Aug 14, 1:40 pm, Yuval Levy <> wrote:
> Hugin-2011.2.0_rc3 RELEASE NOTES
> Hugin is more than just a panorama stitcher.  A new version is available.  
> This is a release candidate and may be declared a final release in a few days.
> Hugin can be found at
> * SourceForge:
> * Launchpad:
> The 2011.2.0_rc3 source tarball can be downloaded
> * from SourceForge 
> at
> * from Launchpad 
> at
> This is a source code release.  For executables see below.
> This tarball is equivalent to rev/changeset 5491:228a678d3af6 in our Mercurial
> repository, where it is also tagged 2011.2.0_rc2
> Verify its SHA1SUM
> 08fa0809bcafbd2dfc5fc73b57286d9052838628  hugin-2011.2.0_rc3.tar.bz2
> Users communities produce executables for their respective platforms.
> These executables are then added to the download section on SourceForge 
> at
> A number of users have built recent snapshots and executables are likely to be
> announced within a few days of this tarball release.
> Watch the announcements of binary
> releases.  If you don't see a binary for your platform it has most likely not
> been produced yet.  Consider stepping up to the task.  Instructions at
> Announce your build on
> To promote artists using Hugin the project has adopted a user-contributed
> artwork to enrich the splash screen of this release.
> Read more about the Fafleralp panorama and author/contributor David Haberthür
> at
> CHANGES SINCE 2011.0.0
> Little time has passed since our last release and yet there is new major
> functionality.  Hugin has received a Python scripting interface and new
> lens calibration tool.  A critical bug affecting a significant number of
> Mac users has been fixed and many general improvements have been made.
> _Lens Calibration Tool_
> Lenses are designed to follow a perfect geometric model.  For rectilinear
> lenses, a straight line in the depicted scene should be straight in the
> picture.  This is not always the case:  most lenses have an inherent
> deviation from the perfect model, resulting in imperfections such as
> pincushion or barrel distortion in rectilinear lenses.
> Adherence to the perfect geometric model is desirable for aesthetic purposes
> and indespensible to achieve proper alignment when stitching images.
> Hugin can calculate lens distortion parameters on the fly when optimizing
> a project, however this requires more control points and more computational
> effort than a project starting with a calibrated lens, and is prone to more
> errors.
> The new lens calibration tool calculates the distortion parameters of a
> lens based on an input image.  The input image must contain straight
> lines, ideally many of them at different distances from the center of the
> lens, covering at least one quadrant of the image.  The calculated
> parameters are valid for a given combination of focal distance,
> aperture (F-stop), and sensor.
> The values, saved into a lens profile, can be used in Hugin to achieve
> a better stitch, or on single images taken with this lens / settings
> combination to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing outcome.
> _Python Scripting Interface_
> Hugin now exposes some of its data structure and functionalities through
> a Python module.  To get started with scripting, start your Python
> interpreter and type:
>    >>> import hsi
>    >>> help (hsi)
> Standalone Python programs can access a panorama object with Hugin's
> functionality.  It is possible to develop complete command line and
> even GUI tools based on this module.
> The Python Scripting Interface does not work on Mac OSX yet.
> _Python Plugin Interface_
> Hugin can now run Python scripts inside the application.  In an enabled
> Hugin binary, a new "Actions" menu gives access to system-wide plugins
> distributed with Hugin.  Moreover, plugins can be written, modified,
> customized in the user's own directory.
> Currently there are only a few plugins available, but we expect the
> body of available plugins and functionality to grow organically as
> the interface is being made available to the general public.
> The Python Plugin Interface does not work on Mac OSX yet.
> _Other Improvements_
> * PTBatcherGUI has matured to become the default processor for
>   stitching projects.
> * ICC profiles saved in output.
> * Support for newer Olympus camera.
> * Improved auto cropping.
> * New mask type: exclude region from all images shot with the same lens
> * Copy&paste of masks in Mask Tab
> * Show extent of active masks and crop in Mask Editor
> * Fix for critical issue affecting stitching on Mac OS X Leopard.
> * Many more improvements and bug fixes.
> _Libraries and Build_
> The Python interface introduces new dependencies:
> * SWIG >2.0
> * Python
> Upgrading from previous versions of Hugin should be seamless. If you do have
> problems with old settings, these can be reset in the Preferences by clicking
> 'Load defaults'.
> It is strongly recommeded to set the default control point detector to
> Hugin's CPFind.  It is the only control point generator endorsed by Hugin.
> Third-party generators may be compatible with the plug-in architecture.
> Users compiling from source refer to the dependencies listed 
> at
> and the build processes listed 
> at
> More information in the README and INSTALL_cmake files in the tarball.
> Fast Preview is affected by a threading issue.
> href="
> Plane overview is wrong if opening fast preview window the first 
> time
> Panosphere Overview window seperated from the 
> content
> There is a known problem building Hugin with CMake 2.8.5rc2.
> Workaround: Upgrade to a newer CMake version.
> Mac OS X 10.7 Lion has been recently introduced by Apple.
> Initial reports indicate that it is not compatible with Hugin.
> Support will start as soon as possible.
> An updated list of issues deemed to be critical, including discussions
> and workarounds is in the issue 
> tracker.
> Hugin is looking for a new release manager.
> The process is documented in detail at
> I will keep hanging out on Hugin-PTX and will gladly help the next
> release manager transition into the role.
> Thanks to all the contributors to this release and members of the hugin-ptx
> mailing list, too many to mention here.
> Hugin can be found at 
> at
> 2011-08-13 23:08 +0200  Vaclav Cerny <>  (5974676dfce0)  tip
>   updated czech translation
>   > src/translations/cs_CZ.po
> 2011-08-07 11:08 +0200  harryvanderwolf <>  (1841017f2572)
>   [OSX] things forgotten when correcting the lens_calibrate_gui to
>   correct calibrate_lens_gui
>   + mac/calibrate_lens_gui-Info copy.plist
>   + mac/
>   - mac/lens_calibrate_gui-Info copy.plist
>   - mac/
> 2011-08-06 17:59 +0200  harryvanderwolf <>  (0a0f61e687e2)
>   [OSX] Complete rework of PTBatcherGui call based on patch by Charlie
>   Reiman dd. 18-06-2011
>   > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
>   > src/hugin1/base_wx/platform.cpp
>   > src/hugin1/base_wx/platform.h
>   > src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp
>   > src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp
> 2011-08-04 19:46 +0200  harryvanderwolf <>  (f0d4c3e891ad)
>   [OSX] Also update the installer to use the correct
> name and so on
>   > mac/HuginCompleteInstaller.pmproj
> 2011-08-04 19:23 +0200  harryvanderwolf <>  (59b1575b9d6c)
>   [OSX] rename incorrect to correct
> including all references and usages
>   > mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
>   > mac/
>   > mac/lens_calibrate_gui-Info copy.plist
>   > mac/
> 2011-07-27 23:18 +0200  Vaclav Cerny <>  (6973435c5a20)
>   Updated Czech translation
>   > src/translations/cs_CZ.po
> 2011-07-27 10:45 -0400  Yuval Levy <>  
> (43f8cb0a32ae)
>   Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (Luís Henrique Camargo
>   Quiroz)
>   > src/translations/pt_BR.po
> 2011-07-27 10:44 -0400  Yuval Levy <>  
> (219a244726f4)
>   Updated French translation (Jean-Luc Coulon)
>   > src/translations/fr.po
> 2011-07-27 10:43 -0400  Yuval Levy <>  
> (5d4c1c40fbb6)
>   Updated Hungarian translation (Lajos Höss)
>   > src/translations/hu.po
> 2011-07-27 10:42 -0400  Yuval Levy <>  
> (fcf10f92e9ef)
>   Updated German translation (Carl von Einem)
>   > src/translations/de.po
> 2011-07-23 18:09 -0400  Yuval Levy <>  
> (e53925281c8d)
>   plain forgot to set the center for img0 (KFJ)
>   > src/hugin_script_interface/plugins/
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload

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