On 5 Set, 10:42, Frederic Da Vitoria <davito...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/9/3, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch>:
> > I do see the positive aspects of
> > using gettext/poedit for the translation of applications.  I fail to see
> > them
> > for the translation of long texts such as manuals and websites.
> > Specifically for the Hugin website, I prefer HTML translation over a gettext
> > "managed" one because IMHO the unit of translation of a website is a page
> > while the unit of translation of an application is a message and gettext is
> > designed for that: translating messages.
> I'd like to concur: I did a few translations (manuals and
> applications) and I hate the out-of-context-ness of systems like .po.
> Even in applications, not having context information cripples the
> translator's understanding so that he has to use generic catchall
> translations instead of properly suited ones. A web page is a text,
> not sequence of isolated sentences or paragraaphs, and this makes a
> huge difference. Looking at a po file, it is very difficult to get a
> sense of the flow of the text. And translating a text by snippets will
> inevitably lead sooner or later to poor translations. Often
> translating a text means rearranging it so that the end result may
> very well not be 1 for 1 sentence. Sometimes when translating, one
> merges 2 original sentences, or splits a sentence. Or even, sometimes
> it is better to swap sentences. Once the sentence level is done, I
> read the whole paragraph to check if the translation works, if it is
> fluid enough. Actually, I often translate whole paragraphs rather than
> sentences.

In the po file the sentences are ordered as they appear in the
paragraph so reading them from top to bottom you get the complete text
and you can see the whole paragraph meaning. I'm also aware that you
have to check the final result in the webpage to spot the errors: but
that is needed also for programs strings. Using gettext I see a big
advantage for example with release notes. The translation work will be
reduced by a double digits percent because part of the contents is
always the same.

I will try another approach: instead of proposing a solution I ask for
it; I want the Hugin's website to be available in Italian. How would I
do it  given the actual website infrastructure?

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